Racially Profiled


Flashing lights.
Stopped by police.
Can't even ride in peace as a passenger.

We were minding our business,
Providing what was requested---
Yet officers persisted, driven by a hate for our race.

There was no valid reason to stop us---
They harassed my friend not even driving,
Their wholly rude intent was solely to offend.

Racially profiled---
My friend, merely a Black passenger,
Was interrogated and attacked.

False citations were issued,
As officers forced the issue---
profiling him in a way they were never going to admit.

The next day we had to set things straight.
All we received was a quiet hollow excuse---
A clear sign of abused power.

It's a shame in today's age---
You can't even be a Black passenger
without facing racial profiling by biased officers.

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