

Lotion feeling smooth and oh so silky.
Creamy on my skin and sometimes sweetly milky.

Fragrances igniting the senses,
Daring you to climb the highest fences.

Notes of apples, strawberries, vanilla musk and fruity pears---
Oooo they may invigorate the sweetest of dares.

Lotion awakens the mind and helps you to unwind.

Lotion makes you feel alive---
Inspiring you to proclaim, "YES! I have arrived!"

It can be flowery, sweet or laced with spice,
And your skin feels oh so soft, so nice.

Applying lotion hydrates your skin,
Awakening the inner goddess within.

Lotion provides a calming sensation,
A moisturizing delight, as beautiful as a soft sweet carnation.

Lotion can be used in endless ways---
I wholeheartedly recommend it and offer my highest praise.

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