Lotion feeling smooth and oh so silky.
Creamy on my skin and sometimes sweetly milky.
Fragrances igniting the senses,
Daring you to climb the highest fences.
Notes of apples, strawberries, vanilla musk and fruity pears---
Oooo they may invigorate the sweetest of dares.
Lotion awakens the mind and helps you to unwind.
Lotion makes you feel alive---
Inspiring you to proclaim, "YES! I have arrived!"
It can be flowery, sweet or laced with spice,
And your skin feels oh so soft, so nice.
Applying lotion hydrates your skin,
Awakening the inner goddess within.
Lotion provides a calming sensation,
A moisturizing delight, as beautiful as a soft sweet carnation.
Lotion can be used in endless ways---
I wholeheartedly recommend it and offer my highest praise.
Racially Profiled
Flashing lights.
Stopped by police.
Can't even ride in peace as a passenger.
We were minding our business,
Providing what was requested---
Yet officers persisted, driven by a hate for our race.
There was no valid reason to stop us---
They harassed my friend not even driving,
Their wholly rude intent was solely to offend.
Racially profiled---
My friend, merely a Black passenger,
Was interrogated and attacked.
False citations were issued,
As officers forced the issue---
profiling him in a way they were never going to admit.
The next day we had to set things straight.
All we received was a quiet hollow excuse---
A clear sign of abused power.
It's a shame in today's age---
You can't even be a Black passenger
without facing racial profiling by biased officers.
What is SIN?
Delightful inviting and so exciting.
Completely a WIN.
Captivating my interest - heartfelt desire.
A sexy mesmerizing HUNK.
Making heated waves down there.
My lips parted biting my lower lip.
He is Tall and STRONG.
Having me smile looking up to heaven.
With him, You can't go WRONG.
Got my body quivering - yearning.
Sin is HIM.
He is everything and more.
Lizzy Boop
Who is Lizzy Boop?
She is the stars, the sun and the moon!
She is the creator off words.
The gift flows with her pen.
She can create what she sees....
Commanding her vision, sharing emotions, making them real.
Lizzy Boop can flow.
Uniting all types of folk, putting them in the know.
If you want to know about this or that or about social issues.
Lizzy Boop will have you reaching for tissues.
Capture, Create, Incorporate.
Feeling the Power.
Her words take flight, they soar and inspire.
Reaching as high as the Eiffel Tower.
Lizzy Boop is ME!
And I am here!
Conveying my words for all to see.
Her words take flight, they soar and inspire.
Reaching as high as the Eiffel Tower.
Lizzy Boop is ME!
And I am here!
Conveying my words for all to see.